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Recap of Chip Design event 29 September 2023 – NEXT Delft

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On 29 September the Chip Design community gathered again, this time at NEXT Delft. We explored the activities in the Delft region and learned from the companies SystematIC, Qualinx, Qblox, Quix Quantum, Orange Quantum, QuantWare about their (R&D) activities in the areas of quantum technology, sensor technology and RF.  We also welcomed on stage the Delft University of Technology, TNO and Quantum Delta to share more about their focus of research and ambitions towards partnerships. 

Below you can find the presentations shared with you: 

This event was organized in a joint collaboration between Brainport Eindhoven, ChipTech Twente, High Tech NL Cluster Semiconductors, Oost NL, PhotonDelta, Innovation Quarter and our hosts TNO and Delft Technical University. 

Please note, these events are invitation-only. Are you interested in participating? Contact us for more information! 

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