Mission & vision
High Tech NL Semiconductors is the sector organization by and for innovative Dutch semiconductors companies and knowledge institutes, and is committed to the collective interests of the sector, with a focus on long-term innovation and international collaboration. High Tech NL members, with special interest for and/or within the semiconductor industry, share their knowledge, look for ways to cooperate, and use the powerful networks to become more successful innovators.
Our Mission & Vision
We believe that, for a sustainable future, the high tech sector is a driver for tackling global societal challenges and innovation is necessary to maintain our current level of wealth and wellbeing. By connecting the entire Dutch ecosystem, from small to large companies, to government and knowledge institutions, we aim to be the driver for innovation, partnerships and growth of the semiconductor industry.
Successful cooperation
Cooperation and innovation form an important foundation for success. The long-term perspective of the semiconductors industry demands continuous innovation and therefore cooperation between industry and knowledge institutes. No single company can master all technologies needed to generate true innovations and/or substantial breakthrough innovations. Creating a network where companies and institutes can find technology partners in the Netherlands and abroad, is the main goal for High Tech NL Semiconductors.
Heart of the semiconductor industry
Innovation is at the heart of the semiconductor industry. New opportunities are explored by combining insights and competencies from partners with different backgrounds. Starting with network events and encounters, innovation takes place between partners, by international collaboration, and by making use of each partner’s strengths and resources.
Innovation projects
High Tech NL Semiconductors is core partner in a number of projects. An overview of our project activities can be found here.
We help members to do more business abroad. High Tech NL Semiconductors supports this amongst others by:
- Organizing events and international missions, both incoming and outgoing
- Hosting shared Holland High Tech booths at international (SEMICON) shows
We focus in these activities on the following countries:
- Japan
- Taiwan
- China
- Singapore
- South Korea
- Germany
- Belgium – Flanders
- France
- United Kingdom
New areas of innovation
New areas that we explore at this moment.
- Chip Design
- Integrated Photonics
- Radio Frequency
- GaN
- Quantum Technology
- Sustainability
- Metrology
As an industry association, High Tech NL connects companies and knowledge institutions. We increase mutual cooperation and support new national and international initiatives. Our motivation? To strengthen the international competitive position and earning power of our high-tech sector. The more parties connect through us, the larger the network to share knowledge and bring high-tech professionals together. Together we devise solutions to global challenges and shape the world of tomorrow.
Access to our powerful network inside and outside the high-tech sector.
An indispensable partner to realize ambitions on a regional, national and international level.
From individual support to facilitation of concrete collaborations.
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