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Looking back: Membership Meeting 5 July

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Last Thursday, the BCSEMI NL membership meeting took place at Porsche Centre Gelderland.

Our meeting started with testdrives in the Stella Vie Solarcar. Followed by a brief update about BCSEMI NL by Barry Peet, Managing Director.

Overview of the day:

Presentation – Solar Team Eindhoven

By Kyron Pijpers (Solar Team Eindhoven)

In line with Delft University, Eindhoven University of Technology has joined the world championships in solar car driving. The team stepped in when the race moved from the fastest car to the most economical family car. In a lively presentation, Kyron Pijpers – one of the members on the solar car team – told us how the making of the solar car came about.

The core of the students’ plan was to create a solar car that not only runs on solar energy, but generates more energy than it uses and can therefore also be used for energy supply to households. The competition in 2017 was about 3000 kilometers from North to South Australia. The challenge: transport as many people as economically possible. With temperatures of up to 50 degrees in the car, the five-man team from Eindhoven drove to victory.

Presentation – Quantum Technology

By Rogier Verberk (TNO) 

“Spooky action at a distance”, Einstein called the part of quantum technology (QuTech) in which Rogier Verberk took us in his pesentation. Rogier showed the potential of the quantum computer to be used in applications in the areas of health, aerodynamics and encryption.

Quantum technology also has a large potential with regards to communication in the future.

Presentation – Artificial Intelligence (AI)

By Cees Snoek (University of Amsterdam) 

Innoviation Center For Artificial Intelligence (ICAI) is a new cluster looking for cooperation between knowledge institutes and companies to stimulate AI innovations. Large companies such as and Ahold work together with research agencies.

Cees Snoek has a passion: the Internet of things applied in video. Since the camera is the cheapest sensor at the moment, they are frequently used. In self-driving cars, in public spaces, in elderly care. Social media is teeming with video’s. All footage is still viewed frame by frame by people. For recognizing a person people use about 50% of their brain. In his presentation Cees Snoek explained how AI is used in recognizing people on videos. From “What is happening when and where in video streams to, if something happens, who is involved and why will it happen”.

A remarkable tour

The meeting was finalised with a remarkable tour at the Porche Center Gelderland and networking drinks. A very succesfull and inspiring meeting and location!

We love to meet you (again) on our next Membership Meeting in September.

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