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Succesful first day on Semicon Taiwan

A very good and rewarding first day on Semicon Taiwan. The Holland High Tech pavilion was well attended.

Our large, open and easily accessible booth attracted many people and stimulated interaction between those present. The Taiwanese showed great interest in the Dutch participating companies. Just like last year, the Holland High Tech Pavilion Happy Hour, later in the day, turned out to be very popular with the Taiwanese as well.

Participant semicon Taiwan Holland High Tech Pavilion

Hollan High Tech pavilion Semicon Taiwan


Leadership Gala dinner Semicon Taiwan

President Taiwn gives insiping speech dusring Leadership Gala dinner Semicon Taiwan

Later that evening the annual Leadership Gala dinner Semicon Taiwan took place. With over 500 successful business executives and key-decision makers present, the Leadership Gala dinner is a great opportunity to connect to the semiconductor industry worldwide. During dinner, Dr. Ing-Wen Tsai, Taiwan’s president, gave an impressive speech about support to the Taiwanese Semicon industry.

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