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Promoting Dutch semicon equipment & equipment components in Taiwan

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Dutch and Taiwanese semiconductor industries have a long history of cooperation. Now, following the explicit – and even overly grandiose – ambitions of the Taiwanese government to foster a local semiconductor equipment industry and continue to expand its manufacturing leadership, a unique opportunity emerges to deepen this relation. After all, the Dutch semiconductor industry excels in semiconductor equipment and equipment components, which perfectly match the Taiwanese needs.

In June 2022 RVO mapped the semiconductor industry of Taiwan in a comprehensive report. Following this study, the Netherlands Office in Taiwan took up the challenge to promote opportunities and its services to the Dutch semiconductor industry. Moreover, the European Parliament agreed to intensify relations between EU and Taiwan, most notably on semiconductor technology. A very attractive way to achieve this is by means of the ‘Partners for International Business’ (PIB) instrument.

Partners for International Business (PIB)

The ‘Partners for International Business’ (PIB) instrument of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) is a public-private partnership to stimulate Dutch business abroad for a longer period of time. It helps SME and midcap enterprises with a structural plan of attack for a 2-3 years time. During the program, the cluster of companies can share lessons, business practices, and join forces in promotion on the designated market. During the program, the in-kind efforts of the cluster are matched by RVO up to 350.000 euro. Additional annual costs include, for example, costs for a program coordinator.

Examples of PIB activities funded by RVO that might contribute to business are:

  • Organization of a conference with guest lectures, high-ranked public officials and match-making in nearby-venues during SEMICON Taiwan
  • A NL Branding pavilion at relevant exhibitions (e.g. SEMICON Taiwan)
  • Government2Government coordination
  • Promotion of the cluster in relevant local media
  • etc.

Semiconductors Cluster

In September a preliminary cluster was formed consisting of five companies, representing equipment components, front-end and back-end equipment. In the coming months – up to January 2023 – this cluster will be expanded and formalized. Program coordinator is Wouter van Marle. Wouter has extensive experience in high-tech business, worked as Innovation Attaché in Taipei, and lives in Taiwan.

Are you interested to join this semiconductors cluster? Reach out to Wouter via email: or telephone: +886 (0) 905 589 592 (preferably via WhatsApp).

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