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Looking back on the China-EU Semiconductor Summit

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On September 10 BCSEMI NL in cooperation with DSP Valley and CyNergy Consulting organised the China-EU Semiconductor Summit on the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven.

The summit started with a key-note presentation by Wang Huilian, CEO at Xiamen Semiconductor Investment Group (XMSIG), followed by Steve Beckers, Vice President at Imec and Kave Kianush, CTO at Catena.
Before lunch, all present EU companies were given the opportunity to present themselves with a short pitch. After lunch the Chinese companies did the same.
The Summit was concluded with individual matchmaking where Chinese and European companies spoke one to one.

A succesfull event

A very succesfull event”: according to Cindy Shao from Cynergy Consulting, one off the organizing parties. “This event brought more than 30 leading Chinese tech companies (including Xiaomi, OPPO, Huawei, etc.) to the Netherlands. Together with European companies, about 80 semiconductor companies including investment institutions, with over 100 industrial leaders and experts came to High Tech Campus in Eindhoven. Several Chinese and European executives came to us to bring compliments to this event, including the global VP of IMEC Steve Beckers“.

For the last few months the four organizers spent all efforts to prepare this event together. In this process, they considered the desires of each company and organization, meanwhile respecting the difference of business behaviour from two very different worlds. The effect of this approach led to over 80 companies who participated in this this event with clear goals to achieve during this event and with sincere motives to engage (further) business with the counterparts.

Cindy Shao: “This event has strategically increased the cooperation and communication between European (mainly Dutch and Belgium) semiconductor industry and Chinese market/investment. More collaboration programs are expected be bore out of this summit in a short and long term.

We will keep you posted on our future events!

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