Looking back: ‘Celebrating the future of Dutch Semicon’

BCSEMI NL looks back on a smashing 10th anniversary which took place on April 26 on Novio Tech Campus: ‘Celebrate the future!’
A celebration not just about our 10 years as Business Cluster Semiconductor (BCSEMI NL), but even more about the driving force behind BCSEMI NL: our members and partners. Not only did we look back, but especially looked forward to the next ten years of one of the most important, and at the same time one of the most underexposed, pillars of the Dutch economy: the semiconductor industry.
It turned out to be a day with insightful presentations, Jort Kelder who was not afraid to set the tone, a good vibe amongst our guests, with time to discuss important topics as well as time for celebration with party hats and all. Followed by an evening of our members in the spotlight via demo’s and catching up during drinks and sushi in Club52. As a cherry on top the 12th floor offered us a stunning view over Nijmegen.
Inspiring presentations
The different presentations were very inspiring and gave us insight in the rollercoaster that NXP is in with their potential and ongoing Qualcomm merge, the driving innovation force of the High Tech Dutch Industry, both now and in our Dutch past, as presented by Marc Hendriks. But also into the challenges and struggles of a startup Semicon Design company, as presented by Jeroen Langevoort of Axign and what the future of Healthcare will look like, and the role of large technology companies in this future (presented by Lucien Engelen of Radboud Reshape Centre).
Guido Dierick – EVP NXP Semiconductors N.V. / CEO NXP Nederland
Jeroen Langevoort – CEO Axign
Marc Hendrikse – Boegbeeld Topsector HTSM / CEO NTS-Group
Lucien Engelen – Director REshape Center for Health (care) Innovation at the Radboud University Medical Center
Nick Pulsford – CTO Ampleon
Hosted by Jort Kelder, these presentations, including very refreshing intermezzo’s, made this afternoon a truly smashing session!
Share our beautiful success stories with the world
With the important message of our event in mind, BCSEMI NL published a press release…
According to Barry Peet, director of BCSEMI NL, this mutual involvement is one of the unique characteristics of the Dutch semiconductor industry: “Interconnectedness and cooperation is something that characterizes the Dutch semiconductor industry.
This can take us further in the economic violence of the rest of the world. We have to keep calling and share our beautiful success stories with the world! “
Click here for the full version of the press release >>
Thank you!
Last but not least, thank you to all our guests for your contribution and the positive feedback we have received! We hope to meet you soon at one of our upcoming events.