
Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.

Looking back: BCSEMI NL Membership Meeting, November 19

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‘Connect & Grow’ was the theme of the BCSEMI NL membership meeting held on November 19 in Nijmegen.

The well-attended meeting was opened by Charles Smit, chairman of the BCSEMI NL board. In his introduction, Charles spoke about the rapidly changing world of the Semicon Industry. Changes that require new directions and offer opportunities.


Purpose-driven networks, connect & grow

Rikus Wolbers, managing director of the Novio Tech Campus explained the origin and development of the Novio Tech Campus in his presentation. It started with Philips in 1953 on an old garbage dump and has become the High Tech Hotspot in the region. And the campus continues to grow to this day. With the new EPR building still fresh in memory, NTS is now building its headquarters on campus. Building 52 had a difficult start but is now bursting at the seams with various companies. The ecosystem in the field of High Tech is developing enormously. This can also be seen on the campus where more than 3500 people now have found a place to work.

Health & High Tech is one of the spearheads of the municipality of Nijmegen and within it, RF and Chip Integration. That offers opportunities. New forms of cooperation, more well-being, Impact on health and High Tech.

Stay sharp, know why we’re connecting and how to grow.


The success of PinkRF

Klaus Werner, founder and director of PinkRF (founded in July 2015) introduced us to the countless possibilities of RF. From Health to cooking and from automotive to lightning, the application areas where PinkRF is active are wide. People make the difference, vision is of great importance, Klaus emphasizes. Meeting each other on campus, the center of quality and direct growth of business. There is also a lot of cooperation with industry consortia such as BCSEMI NL and RF Energy alliances. The support and will to get things done is inspiring. Connectivity is Key. You no longer do anything in this world without connections. Connecting in collaboration with partners, education and customers.

This will lead, for example, to large commercial food processing systems at companies such as Starbucks, subways.

The success of PinkRF is due, among other things, to good process supervision, real-time connections and the realization of products that the customer needs and that function optimally.


Semiconductor still more widely represented in the Dutch High Tech

Willem Endhoven of High Tech NL started his presentation by presenting High Tech NL, the partner where BCSEMI NL will integrate into Holland Semiconductors from January 1th 2020. High Tech NL arose from the need for more connections within the high tech industry. The core of High Tech NL is its people and the knowledge of issues among its members. The breadth in which High Tech NL operates is a challenge and offers an incredible number of opportunities. High Tech for cooperation. We need each other. From team effort to possibilities and developments of new technologies.

In addition to the semiconductor cluster, High Tech NL has a robotics cluster, a community with more than 500 parties, active in the agro, health, logistics, and inspection & maintenance sectors.

Thanks to the integration of High Tech NL and BCSEMI NL, we can achieve even more within the semiconductor industry. National and international. With the integration, a part of the BCSEMI NL board also takes a seat on the High Tech NL board, representing the Semiconductor even better in the broad Dutch High Tech Industry.


Together we go far!

The last speaker of the day was Barry Peet in a new role, as managing director of CITC. Barry Peet started by emphasizing how important connecting was in the realization of CITC. Without the companies, members of BCSEMI NL, CITC would not have been there.

CITC was created through a collaboration between companies, knowledge institutions, government and the semiconductor cluster. Nijmegen is a central, neutral area with a lot of knowledge and experience and an excellent place to connect. Finding the right partners is very important. In some cases collaboration of companies that are also competing with each other. The result: growth, more business for all. That growth is visible on campus.

CITC had a flying start. Partly because of the connections, the development started quickly, possibilities presented themselves and the necessary roads became accessible.

The growth of CITC will again provide a connection. For more participating companies, the creation of new companies and cooperation in the field of education.

If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together!


The membership meeting ended with networking drinks in which we also officially said goodbye to Barry Peet as managing director of BCSEMI NL.


Join us and connect on our next Membership Meeting. From 2020 under the name Holland Semiconductors!



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