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SEMICON Taiwan 2023

06-09-2023 untill 08-09-2023

Joint Silicon Saxony & Dutch Pavilion at SEMICON Taiwan 2023

SEMICON Taiwan is the most important annual trade event for the micro- and nanoelectronics industry in Taiwan and one of the largest semiconductor industry trade shows in the world with over 45,000 visitors and 700 international exhibitors in 2022.

Be part of the Dutch Pavilion!

You will be offered an all-round trade fair service: the complete booth organization and support, the design and construction of your exhibitor terminal and the creation of a separate exhibitor directory. Check the Netherlands Office Taipei website and reach out to Deputy Representative, Mr. Matthijs van der Hoorn.

More information

If you are looking for more detailed information visit the dedicated RVO page (Dutch) on the Innovation Mission and SEMICON Taiwan.

High Tech NL Semiconductors will also be organizing a Meet-up on 7 June to inform you further on participation details, with the opportunity to share your enquiries in person with RVO/NLOT and other interested organizations.

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