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Advanced Packaging and 3D Heterogeneous Integration for RF/mmWave Applications

Online - webinar
14:00:00 - 16:30:00

CSA Pack4 EU is organizing, on behalf of the KDT JU, a KDT consultation workshop on Advanced Packaging and 3D Heterogeneous Integration for RF/mmWave Applications.

Goals of this workshop are:

  • Introduction of RF/mmWave activities in Europe: running EU projects and state-of the art of the technologies
  • Consultation on planned focus topic call (IA) “Packaging and 3D Heterogeneous Integration for RF/mmWave Applications” towards 6G and other future applications
  • Initiate the built of consortia on the topic and discuss commonly about future R&D&I needs to industrialise the integration of RF/mmWave components

You wish to contribute or pitch your company or project idea? Please approach Dr. Elisabeth Steimetz, VDI/VDE-IT,


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