Visit Nexaro Germany

On Wednesday 14 July, our student intern Alexandre Briens went to visited Nexaro in Germany to share our progress on the Autonomous Cleaning Robot (ACR) project at their headquarters in Wuppertal. Nexaro is a company specializing in the development of autonomous floor cleaning robots that are more efficient and scalable than traditional floor cleaning robots. We are cooperating with them along with High Tech NL Robotics, CSU Cleaning Services, Fontys Hogeschool, MaromeTech, MoviĜo Robotics bv • Industrial AGV/AMR solutions, Selmers B.V., and De Haagse Hogeschool / The Hague University of Applied Sciences to develop a more advanced cleaning robot using our knowledge and experience from working on Robot Rose.
They were kind enough to give us a tour around their manufacturing facilities and show us their product development and assembly processes.
After the insightful tour, we had the chance to discuss and share our advancements on the ACR project and learn about the progress of other teams, with members from all the aforementioned collaborators. The discussion was incredibly insightful and productive, and we had many interesting exchanges. Talks touched upon: Co-creation of robotic solutions with the personnel on the workfloor, robot-human collaboration & human-robot interaction strategies, advances in sensing & advances in autonomous manipulation. All with a common goal: How to elevate autonomous cleaning robots? With this amazing team we are excited to develop the project further, and work more with our collaborators.
Visiting Nexaro was an amazing experience, and we would like to express our gratitude to Kai Landsecker and Henning Hayn for giving us the opportunity to participate in this event, welcoming us warmly to their offices, and giving us an enthusiastic tour around their facilities! And special thanks to Agnes Berendsen for organizing this amazing gathering.