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RoboCup Sponsor Event

Mikrocentrum, De Run 1115, 5503 LB Veldhoven
15:00:00 - 17:30:00
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From July 17th to 21st 2024, the RoboCup World championship will make its return to the high-tech capital of The Netherlands, Eindhoven. As the largest competition in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence, RoboCup will bring together robots, participants, and visitors from across the globe in Eindhoven.

Sponsorship Opportunities
RoboCup presents a remarkable opportunity to enhance your company’s visibility amongst participants, visitors and other companies. With its innovative, high-energy, and thrilling atmosphere, this event will provide the perfect networking backdrop to forge new partnerships, enhance existing partnerships and recruit talented employees. RoboCup2024 and its media coverage will also feature the perfect medium to get your company’s message across to every participant and visitor at RoboCup2024. Mark your calendars for a RoboCup2024 event scheduled on December 11th, 2023, 15.00h-17.30h at Mikrocentrum.

We cordially invite you to attend this gathering, where you will learn about the various sponsorship opportunities available and immerse yourself in a preview of the captivating RoboCup2024 atmosphere.

We invite you to join us at RoboCup and treat your customers, employees, and/or family to an unforgettable experience. Get a guided tour of the event, a VIP seat during the final matches of the iconic Middle-Size League tournament and enjoy the drinks and foods of our exclusive business club.

Throughout their time at the event, your visitors will encounter your company’s logo prominently displayed on the arena’s boarding, banners, information screens, and even at your company’s booth at the exhibition area.

Visit the RoboCup 2024 website.

Please note that registration for this event is possible until December 7th, 2023


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