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Opening Wearable Robotics Laboratory


The University of Twente and Roessingh Research and Development are pleased to invite you to the opening of their brand new Wearable Robotics Laboratory.

About the laboratory

Wearable robots can be used to either augment, train, or supplement human motor function. Examples of such robots are exo-skeletons, bionic prostheses, exo-suits, and body worn collaborative robots. The new lab can be used for development, testing and evaluation of these wearable robots in a safe, real-life environment.

The wearable robotics lab is a joint effort from the University of Twente and Roessingh Research and Development. It will be part of both the recently founded Twente Robotics program and of the joint Innovation Center for Interaction Robotics (i-Botics) that was recently founded by TNO and the University of Twente. The lab will also be the home for teams that will compete in Cybathlon competitions. The Cybathlon is an international competition for disabled competitors allowed to use bionic assistive technology.

Please register before 13 January 2018. Participation is free of charge.

Programme and registration

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