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Online webinar ‘Flexible grippers and materials’

11:30:00 - 12:30:00
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Even in these days, we want to keep you connected and informed about interesting trends and developments in the field of robotics. Now we meet online, but hopefully soon in person again.

Monday, May 11 at 11.30 hrs, we invite you to the online webinar on flexible grippers and materials. We organize this webinar together with Rob Scharff, PhD Researcher at TU Delft.

Flexible grippers and materials
Grippers are ideal robotic applications for pick-and-place applications in the food industry, but also in manufacturing and packaging. However, the use of grippers in the food industry poses a number of challenges. Crops, vegetables or fruit all have different sizes, shapes, ripeness, colours, etc. These are all aspects that the gripper must be able to deal with. Also for other application sectors the grippers have to be flexible with different products.

In an hour’s time, Rob Scharff takes you through the trends, developments, challenges and applications of using flexible grippers for different products, shapes and materials.

This webinar is especially of interest for international participants of European clusters.

You can attend this webinar free of charge by registering via the registration button. Instructions for participation will then be sent to you by e-mail.




Click here for the list of participants.

Foto: Festo

This webinar is part of the activities for the European projects Interreg COTEMACO and agROBOfood.



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