
Japan’s semiconductor industry, integral to both the global market and the country’s economic strategy, is a marvel of innovation and efficiency. Dominating major end markets such as automotive and electronics, the industry presents a comprehensive presence across the entire value chain – from design to production, and from packaging to applications. This expansive reach is underpinned by Japan’s indispensable role in the semiconductor sector, notably in producing silicon wafers and advanced materials, as well as manufacturing equipment. Strengthening its domestic supply chain with key players like Kioxia, Sony, Renesas, and the foreign direct investment from TSMC, Japan continues to reinforce its position as a leading force in this crucial industry.

Facts and figures

End market and applications

Majority of JP semiconductor end market users are in automotive and electronics sector.

Position in value chain / manufacturing process

  • JP present over whole value chain, from design to produce, and from packaging to applications.
  • JP indispensable: dominant industry silicon wafers, manufacturing equipment, advanced materials.
  • Strengthening domestic supply chain: Kioxia, Sony, Renesas, TSMC (FDI) etc.

R&D&I ambitions, important players

  • Multiple public-private consortia develop advanced materials, semicon manufacturing tech, 3DIC.
  • Leading research on photonic-electronic convergence, ultra-low voltage equipment.


Past events

Initiating Stronger Netherlands-Japan Collaboration in Deeptech: Visit of Japanese Delegation in Nijmegen

The visit in March 2024 marked as a significant milestone in the collaboration between the Netherlands and Japan as we hosted a Japanese delegation in Nijmegen, in partnership with Oost NL and Noviotech Campus Nijmegen. This visit served as the inaugural activity in what promises to be a strengthened alliance between the two countries in the field of Deeptech.

Throughout the visit, notable companies such as ITEC, NTS, CITC, and Neways showcased their cutting-edge innovations, contributing to a day filled with productive insights and positive engagements. The demonstrations highlighted the Netherlands’ expertise in Deeptech and paved the way for fruitful discussions on potential areas of collaboration between the two nations.

The visit not only fostered a deeper understanding of each other’s capabilities but also laid the groundwork for future partnerships. It served as a platform for building relationships and exploring synergies that will drive innovation and growth in both the Netherlands and Japan.

As a result of the productive interactions during the visit, several follow-up meetings have been scheduled, indicating a strong commitment from both sides to further enhance collaboration and exchange in Deeptech.

This visit of the Japanese delegation to Nijmegen signifies the beginning of an exciting journey towards closer collaboration and mutual benefit in the realm of Deeptech between the Netherlands and Japan.




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