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Young Professionals visit NXP

It’s about more than chips!

Young professionals have indicated that they greatly appreciate the interactive company visits to manufacturing and supplying companies in the field of high-tech industry. Thus we organized a visit to NXP on Wednesday October 14, 2015.

NXP Semiconductors N.V.

NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NASDAQ: NXPI) creates solutions that enable secure connections for a smarter world. Building on its expertise in high-performance mixed signal electronics, NXP is driving innovation in the areas of connected cars, security, portable & wearable devices, and the Internet of Things. NXP has operations in more than 25 countries, and posted revenue of $ 5.65 billion in 2014 (source

The visit

Mr. Maurice Geraets, a member of the board of NXP Netherlands, presented the history of NXP, which is a former Philips company. Next two researchers from NXP showed the guests around in the demonstration facilities. And finally the young professionals discussed a real NXP case: what will cars look like in the future and what are the implications for NXP as far as legal, economics, service and security issues are concerned?

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