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Open lecture Prof. dr. Ben van Lier over Advanced Manufacturing

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Op 2 maart jl. organiseerde High Tech NL de lezing ‘Connect to the 4th Industrial Revolution’ over Advanced Manufacturing. Deze open lecture werd gegeven door Ben van Lier, Director Strategy & Innovation at Centric / Professor Steinbeis University & Lector University of Applied Science Rotterdam. De bijeenkomst werd mede gefinancierd door de Holland High Tech MIT-regeling Netwerkactiviteiten.

Met meer dan 100 aanmeldingen was de belangstelling voor de rol van ICT binnen Advanced Manufacturing erg groot. Ben van Lier, expert Internet of Things nam de geïnteresseerden mee naar de “nieuwe wereld” die aanstaande is en schetste de kansen en ook de bedreigingen die dit ons biedt.

De verzameling van een ongelooflijke hoeveelheid data, verregaande mogelijkheden om machines onderling te laten communiceren en machines en mensen aan elkaar te verbinden, bieden ons enorme uitdagingen. Uiteindelijk gaan deze ontwikkelingen ons in staat stellen slimmer te produceren in de “Factories of the Future”.

Diverse deelnemers hebben aangegeven verder te willen praten over dit onderwerp. High Tech NL bekijkt met Ben van Lier hoe hier een vervolg aan gegeven kan worden.


About the Lecture

As an individual, organisation and society we undergo a technological revolution. Our postmodern society is increasingly based on people, organizations and objects that are linked in networks. These networks allow us to make new interconnections and exchange and share information between random people, organizations and objects, regardless of time and space. Also the worldwide industry cannot escape from these developments. As a consequence of this, terms like industrial internet, advanced manufacturing, smart industries and cyber-physical systems become more usual.
This fourth industrial revolution as the World Economic Forum appoints this development, forms a new challenge for companies and organizations and also a necessity to reinvent their (production) processes. Living, housing, working, producing and creating in networks requires a fundamental change in the perspectives with which we live, organize and produce.

About Ben van Lier

Professor Dr. Ben van Lier is Director Strategy & Innovation at Centric, a Dutch ICT company with offices in Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Germany and Romania. In this capacity, he focuses on researching and analyzing developments in the interface between organizations and technology. Alongside his work at Centric, in 2009 he obtained his PhD from the Rotterdam School of Management (Erasmus University), for which he conducted research into the development of hybridization of human with technology, interoperability of information and network centric thinking. In 2013, he was appointed Professor at Steinbeis University Berlin, a role he performs alongside his work at Centric and his ongoing research into areas such as systems theory, interoperability of information and the network centric approach. In 2015 he was also appointed Professor at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, in which role he will do research into the emerging Internet of things and advanced manufacturing.

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