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Briskr workshop – Patenting in health and hightech to create value and competitive advantage

Noviotech Campus, Nijmegen
14:00 - 16:00
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Briskr is organizing a workshop on “Patenting in health and high tech to create value and competitive advantage” on 25 March at Noviotech Campus, Nijmegen.

The competition in these sectors steadily increases and the possession of intellectual property rights has shown to boost company growth and increases the chances of obtaining financing.

IP strategic aspects

The first part of the workshop is focused on IP strategic aspects for companies at their different stages of growth, on how to identify an invention, on the procedure and related costs for the filing of a patent application and prosecuting it up to grant and validation.

Topics that will be discussed are:

  • IP strategic aspects
  • How to identify an invention
  • Procedure and related costs in IP

Patent searching

During the second part of the workshop an interactive session is planned, in which the basics of patent searching will be shared with you. You will learn how you can innovate more efficiently and thus save time and money by using patent information that is freely accessible online. For this part of the workshop, it is advisable to bring along a laptop.

Topics that will be discussed are:

  • Finding relevant classification codes for your invention or area of interest
  • Finding relevant patents for your invention
  • Being capable of using Espacenet to achieve the above two goals


  • Valeria De Matteis, PhD,  European Patent Attorney at EP&C
  • Daphne Huberts, PhD,  Dutch Patent Attorney at EP&C
  • Britta Helwig, PhD, Intellectual Property Advisor at RVO (Netherland Patent Office, Part of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency
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