
Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.


Theatre De Schalm Veldhoven

The digital transformation, paving the  way forward

After decades in which product complexity has continued to increase, there seems to be no sign of any let-up. This is exactly at the heart of the work TNO-ESI does. Just think about the advance of AI, digital twinning, mass customization, production on demand, connectivity, security, new ways of hiring, training, deploying and maintaining the ‘digital’ workforce. The digitalization stream has become a tsunami of digital transformation, fundamentally changing the way businesses are run. More than ever, ESI and our high-tech partners must prepare for and manage these imminent challenges.

We are very pleased that we managed to attract two interesting keynote speakers: the academic keynote will be delivered by Mieke van der Bijl-Brouwer, TU Delft, and the industrial keynote by Jeannine Peek, Capgemini Netherlands

Moreover the symposium will feature:

  • 2 x 2 parallel sessions
  • innovation market with several demonstrations
  • poster session
  • ample opportunities for networking

More information regarding the program and registration will follow in the coming months, so stay tuned.

Looking forward to meeting you at the ESI symposium 2024!


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