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AI Meet-Up Summer Edition

High Tech Campus Eindhoven

Join us for an engaging talk on “Generative AI: The key concepts, Developments and Challenges” by Jakub M. Tomczak, an associate professor at Eindhoven University of Technology. Delve into the exciting world of Generative AI as we explore its fundamental concepts and discuss the remarkable developments in this field. During this talk, we will introduce the key components of generative modeling, and present a few success stories and developments of Generative AI. We will conclude by pointing out potential challenges and open questions that could drive research and development of this captivating AI paradigm.

16:00 Welcome and update by Paul van Son, AI Innovation Center

16:10 Talk (20 min) and Q&A (10 min) Jakub Tomczak

16:40 Open mic: Share your AI news, events & initiatives

17:00 Summer Drinks! Let’s chat and connect!

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