Powerful network

Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.


Together with you, we take your organization further in the areas of cooperation and innovation and put the Dutch high-tech industry on the international map. As a trade association, we have a wealth of experience and contacts. By sharing our network with you and bringing you and other parties together, we contribute to groundbreaking solutions. Together we change the world of tomorrow.

Share innovation. Shape tomorrow. We drive innovation by connecting companies and knowledge institutions in the Dutch high-tech sector. With a focus on Semiconductors, Robotics, Life Sciences and Energy. Also shape tomorrow's world together? Join the powerful network of High Tech NL.


Become a member

Within the four active High Tech NL clusters - Robotics, Semiconductors, Life Sciences and Energy - High Tech NL members share specific knowledge within the broad network inside and outside the sector. Thus, the benefits of membership come to full fruition.

Please contact for an appointment with Willem Endhoven, managing director of High Tech NL. Send an e-mail, call 088 - 555 43 33 or click on the 'Become a Member' button and fill out the membership form and we will let you know soon!


Become a member

Grow together!

Together with you, we will bring the Dutch high-tech sector to maturity and shape the world of tomorrow!

Growing, blooming and reaping the fruits. The apple as a metaphor. After all, this fruit has been a symbol of wisdom, health and growth for centuries. Growing by sharing knowledge, expertise and innovation is exactly what High Tech NL stands for.

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