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Product reveal VertiDrive M8

Gieterijweg 15 3089 JZ Rotterdam
13:45:00 - 18:00:00
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Join Vertidrive for an event full of innovation and the latest market insights.

VertiDrive, in close cooperation with partners from the field, has worked relentlessly over the past years towards a new solution called the VertiDrive M8 Cargo Hold Cleaner. The robot is packed with the latest VertiDrive innovations, yet designed and tested to operate in the most demanding environments. The controls are designed to be intuitive for operation by a crew not necessarily experienced to work with (semi-)automated equipment.

VertiDrive is world’s leading manufacturer of magnetic robotic crawlers for heavy duty applications. We have put our years of experience into the development of the VertiDrive M8 Cargo Hold Cleaner, which we can safely say that it’s our most advanced model today. We are convinced this crawler will disrupt the way cargo hold cleaning is performed and hope to be able to convince you of the same on December 19th.

Gieterijweg 15
3089 JZ Rotterdam
The Netherlands

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