
Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.

50th ESAO Congress

Aken, Germany
08-09-2024 untill 11-09-2024
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This momentous occasion not only marks the golden jubilee of the ESAO, but also symbolises the remarkable journey we have taken together. The shared commitment to innovation and excellence has propelled us forward in the relentless pursuit of improving outcomes and revolutionising healthcare for patients with organ failure.

As we reflect on the past five decades, we pay tribute to the pioneers whose groundbreaking work laid the foundation for the incredible progress we see today. The theme of this congress, “Honoring the Past and Empowering the Future”, underscores our gratitude to the pioneers and sets the stage for a future in which artificial organs will play an increasingly important role in healthcare.

The congress agenda has been carefully curated to cover a wide range of topics, each a cornerstone in the edifice of artificial organ research and development. It will delve into the intricacies of heart, lung, kidney and liver therapies, exploring novel therapeutic approaches that promise to redefine the landscape of patient care.

In addition, discussions will extend into the fascinating area of organ crosstalk and multiple organs, where the interconnectedness of biological systems presents both challenges and opportunities. Bioengineering, haemodynamics and biomechanics, and the integration of AI and big data will be at the heart of our discourse, highlighting the fusion of cutting-edge technology and the biological sciences.

The congress will also feature sessions on testing, imaging, and materials and surfaces, addressing critical aspects of artificial organ development and their clinical implementation. These sessions will serve as platforms for sharing insights, fostering collaboration, and accelerating the translation of research into tangible solutions that benefit patients worldwide.

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