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Regulating AI: The impact of the EU AI ACT on robotics for agile production

14:30:00 - 16:00:00
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The third Robotics4EU  Agile Production workshop is about to take place on the 25th of September, in digital format, and you’re invited!

About the event

On June 14, 2023, the European Union officially adopted its inaugural set of regulations governing the use of Artificial Intelligence, commonly referred to as the AI Act. Given the widespread integration of AI in robotics solutions, it is evident that this new regulation will exert a substantial influence on the robotics community.

During this workshop, our objective is to delve into the potential ramifications of the legal framework outlined in the AI Act on the robotics sector.

Scheduled from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM CET on 25th of September, this workshop will provide a platform for expert talks and open discussions among stakeholders from the robotics community. Over the course of two hours, we will delve into these crucial issues, aiming to collectively explore and address the challenges and opportunities that arise when integrating robotics solutions in agile production.

Joining us as keynote speakers are experts who will share their insights and experiences:

  • “Regulating Artificial Intelligence in Europe and Beyond” by Vera Lúcia Raposo.

Vera Lúcia Raposo holds a bachelor’s, a master and a doctorate in law, all obtained at the Faculty of Law of Coimbra University (Portugal). She is currently an Assistant Professor of Law and Technology at NOVA School of Law (Portugal), and a part-time contributor to the Centre for Medical Ethics and Law, University of Hong Kong (China).


14h30 – 14h45 > Introduction and theme presentation

14h45 – 14h50 > Initial Zoom poll

14h50 – 15h10 > Keynote 1: “Regulating Artificial Intelligence in Europe and Beyond”

by Vera Lúcia Raposo, NOVA School of Law, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal

15h10 – 15h30 > Keynote 2: TBC

15h30 – 15h35 > Presentation of the RoboCompass by Robotics4EU partner CIVITTA

15h30 – 15h55 > Brainstorming session in breakout rooms: Feedback on RoboCompass

15h55 – 15h58 > Final Zoom poll

15h58 – 16h00 > Plenary discussion and conclusion

*Small adjustments to the final agenda might happen as we approach the event.
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